Friday, September 11, 2009

Blue Cheese-Pineapple Teriyaki Burgers

These moist, savory burger babies are rich enough to serve without a bun. We had them tonight in toasted Orowheat sandwich rounds. A good side would be baked sweet potato "fries" and a crisp tomato & cucumber salad.

Here's all there is to it:

2 lb ground beef
1 T. grill seasoning (sometimes called Montreal or Canadian seasoning)
3 T. crumbled blue cheese
1/4 c. finely diced canned pineapple (or crushed pineapple, drained)
1/4. c. Teriyaki sauce

Mix all together lightly and press (again, using a light touch for moist burgers) into patties, Grill or cook in a skillet.

When done, brush with a little bit more Teriyaki sauce, a tad of blue cheese or a grilled pineapple if you like.

Easy, but particularly delicious burgers!

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