Sunday, November 21, 2010

Easy Sunday Roast Chicken

This recipe for roast chicken is almost embarrassingly easy, and yet I've forgotten how good it is, and its especially nice to come home to the aroma after church. Greg said he like it better than the roast chickens I usually get from the deli. The big advantage to roasting one at home is the nice plump size, and coming home from church (or wherever you've gone for 3 hours) to dinner hot, fragrant and ready to serve.

Take one plump roasting chicken (about 4 pounds) and remove the innards (I toss them but feel free to be as creative as you want with them:)

Rinse, pat dry then sprinkle liberally with your favorite seasoned salts, all sides and in the cavity. (I like a combination of steak or grill seasoning, citrus seasoning and Cajun seasoning or paprikia for color.)

Put breast side up in large Pyrex pan, uncovered, and cook at 300 degrees for 2.5 to 3 hours or until you get home from church. When you walk in the door, baste the chicken with drippings, then crank the oven to 400 degrees to let the skin get crispy. Baste once more before serving and enjoy.

Could not be easier!

Pairs nicely with corn pudding, carrots and a salad. (Recipe for pudding and carrots under "side dishes" on this blog.)